Dah serabai

Pagi tadi ily naik lif mase kat office, ofcouse macam biasa mesti la tengok cermin dalam lift u..
Hurm what do I saw?
1) Seorang budak yg da berisi, ala........ nak kurus balik nak jadi slim cam dulu =(
2) Seorang yg rambutnya serabai
3) Ily rase ily da macam tak particular sgt pasal my work attire, dulu bukan main jaga.. now da serabai
4) Im losing im flaw (rase macam dull je)
ps: please
What will I do?
1) Ily nak jaga makna ily lepas ni, nak jadi kurus dan nak diet yg sihat =)
2) Nak selalu pakai hair treatment, kesian my hair die cakap “help! Help! Help!”
3) Nak jadi more particular about my appearance, aritu ily ade terbace.. your cloths determine your salary range
4) Nak polish up my self, to be more happy more vibrant =)
Hopefully Berjaya.. Amin!

ps: please ignore my typo and the pic abpve is from google.. where else?


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I love reading it <3 Big hug!!

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