Air di cincang tak kan putus =)
Semalam ily balik umah ayah, biase la hafiz sebagai body guard ikut la =)
Lame tak jumpe ape lagi session berborak sampai lebam.. Berborak dgn faten smaapi jam pukul 2 lebih pun tak perasan mase laju je.. habis semua topic kami borak =)
teringat zaman kecik2 kenangan manis masam masin semua ada.. what ever we go trought actually made us who we are today =) and for that I glad
My father is aging gracefully.. time have been kind to him.. when i look at my dad, he look just the same.. big smile just like what i remember since i was a little girl.. seme je.. cume makin handsome and younger at heart (he log in to fb 24hrs won let his phone be 1 meter radius away from him) hahaha takpe la janji happy
then hari ni ily pg rumah Mak Jah.. she seem so sweet as usual.. so warm and nice.. she made you fell comfortable just by sitting beside her =) hugs!
lepas tu da smaapi rumah mak jah tu, jumpe la cousin2 yg da lame kaw2 tak jumpe.. ade yg makin kembang ade yg makin lonjong.. macam2 (sedap cakap org awak tu princess ke? same je ily pun burubah segi size dan lain2..hehe)
yang best nyer pg umah mak jah ni.. ramai baby! yummy! best nyerdah lame tak pegang baby dan bau baby yg Umphh.. suci murni dan menenangkan.. Terkejut juga ramai cousin yg dah ade baby =) happy for them honestly.. seronok tgk new generation.. ade la kot 0.05% my blood kot hahha.. rase cam pelik bile org panggil makcik.. (ngade nak auntie je hahaha)
As time goes by.. looking back all these years that have past.. hurm.. macam2 jadi.. macam berlaku dlm family.. good thing bad thing.. confusing thing... takpe la.. yg penting time raya ni lebih baik ambil yg jernih buang yg keruh sahaja..
I have no hard feeling what so ever.. like i said before, what ever happen in the past made us who we are today and I am glad =)
PS : Air dicincang takkan putus...
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I love reading it <3 Big hug!!