What happen when I switch off my TV and Laptop
I use to whine about how little time I have considering the amount of things I have to do, well guess what today I decided to switch off my TV and miracle happen =)
tetibe je I have enough time to do all the things below during weekday night:
1) to do my pedicure on my own
2) I have enough time to do my hair mask routine
3) and the best part I even have time to reorganize my wardrobe...
macam tak percaya kan? wait for the best part...
I did this all in two hours time huhuhuhu cayalah =)
Rupe2nyer all this while, the whining habit of 'ala.. tak sempat' is just because sometime I am too lazy to get my body off the sofa =) hahhaa
p/s : this might be very lame, but sometime I guess my tv is actually chewing my precious time slowly and unconsciously .... hahahaha
Hahaha ,thanks for sharing