Living Hall Make Over (super affordable)



Olla everyone!

This is my humble living room and being a simple person, I like things to be as simple as possible as it will be much easier for me to maintain and to clean it. Now that I have a baby, one of thing that bug me is that.. I hope my daughter wont “conteng” the wall hahahaa

So, I was at Lazada website and saw they having awesome promotion on DIY wall paper. I must be completely honest that I am very sceptical at first. I mean, I dont have any skill to put on a wall paper and what if I end up messing it up and it will all go to waste.

I go out of my comfort zone and just click the purchase button. It cost me around RM35 for each roll of the wall paper and this wall here only used up 1 and a half rolls. I forgot the width of the roll but you can imagine it is like from your elbow to your fingers like that (omg im so bad at this) and the length is 10 meter. A worth investment I must say.

I got around 4 rolls (so ambitious hahaha) and still got 1 more rolls waiting to be used. My point here is, you dont need to spend big chunk of money to do a make over to your home.



Before you start, you might need a sponge (to “ratakan” and to remove the air bubble) then a cutter or scissor and if you have this window cleaning device (dont know what ot call it) it would also be helpful.




Behind of the wall paper you get to see the instruction. It works exactly like a sticker. You just ukur and peel off and tampal. The best part about it, when you did any mistake you can just pull the wall paper out and paste it up again. I tried couple of times and it works perfectly.


There you go, lots of clouds on my wall. haha I felt like it bring more life into my living hall and love the colours as if I am tricking my mind that we are in outdoor indoor kind of place..

What do you think? have you tried using any wall paper before?




*I bought the wallpaper with my own money as this is a personal post. I am not paid to write this review, I spent personal time and put in personal effort on this blogpost. As usual, I will test and review products or services regardless of whether they have been sent to me/paid for me or not with honesty. Unless stated so in the post or marked with an asterisk, all products featured on this blog have been bought with my own hard-earned pennies. I started this blog to give my two pennies worth of thought and have fun along the way and that is exactly how this blog shall remain.


  1. murah and seriously cantik! terus naik ur living room... :)

  2. Cantiknya illy!nak beli jugak la mcm ni..nk letak kt 2nd bedroom

  3. Assalamualaikum illy, terus ceria rumah awak. lawa laaaa

  4. Nanti rumah baru kecil je. So, I would prefer biar cat putih sebab nak nampak luas sikit. Tapi suami semangat jugak nak decorate wall. >.<

  5. DIY is definitely the 'in' thing :) you get to have fun and enjoy the results and be proud :)

  6. Wow, you did a great job ^-^ On cloud nine :)

  7. i love diy
    u can make anything u love

  8. waaawww your living hall immediately upgraded to higher standard. it really looks nice & peace.

  9. Wow nice DIY ya.
    Thanks for sharing

  10. so cute many clound on the wall


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