My Face Routine - Asian Malaysian girl
I used to have a skin problem when I was a teenager, jerawat sini sana..
but i manage to over come using few tips which i will later share in my other post.
In this post I'm going to share about my face routine.
FYI : i don't really used expensive products. I use cheap yet effective products only mainly becasuse it suits my skin and i love the cost =) this doesn't mean that expensive product do not work. I might work depend on your skin but personally i prefer cost effective products =)
ok so lets start.
1) Face wash
ily pakai pond's je but i;ve tried few other option but i just love the smell and texture from pond's
my review : lembut, bau wangi and smooth effect
2) Toner
ok untuk toner I used few product by rotation. ikut mood
but the one that I am in love with a) Tawas b) lemon drop c) skII
tawas - yang ni paling murah paling effective, boleh beli kat kedai jamu RM 5.00 je

lemon drop - ni ily belajar dari you tube tengok Kandee pakai. ily beli lemon juice yg concentrated fresh from cold storage dalam RM 10.00 then just drop kat kapas. Cleansing sangat dan ade fresh citric acid. good untuk bunuh bacteria keeping you skin clean and fresh =)
sk11 - yang ni ok soothing effect better complexion cume sedikit pricey pakai kadang2 je.. and kalau korang nak beli boleh beli from this website. Dorang anta straight kat office boleh beli bundle and sangat murah. Hantar pun tip top on time.
harga die
Facial Treatment Essence
(30ml x 2pcs = 60ml)
3) Moisturizer
ok my favorite moisturizer ada 2 and both from Olay. Total effect and Olay whitening lotion.
Harga affordable dan effect die superb. Sangat jatuh cinta dengan moisturizer Olay.
Sebelum pakai apa2 make up or faundation, hidup tak tenang kalau tak pakai moisturizer. Lebih lagi duduk dalam office lebih 8 jam sehari, kulit akan jadi kering sangat and senang mengelupas.
Kalau ily pakai product ni, kulit rase lembut sangat dan this lotion actually bantu reduce blemish and kesan parut. Tapi kena pakai setia baru boleh nampak kesan.
Dan yang paling best, kalau pakai lotion before make up. The make up stay more than 5 hours and sometime longer. So sangat happy dengan product ni =)
4) Powder
ok ramai yang suke pakai Mac and many more expensive product untuk powder.
korang nak tahu ape bedak yang murah tapi tahan lama dan coverage similar to this high branded powder? Jawapan nyer Pixy
Harga murah sangat boleh beli kat mana2 kedai jamu dan sekarang ni kat watson pun ada jual =)
first pack yang sekali dengan mirror harga baru RM 18.00 refil baru rm 12.00 berbaloi tak?
ily pakai tropical beidge sebab kulit ily sederhana. FYI ada macam range warna so boleh minta sales person tengok kan you all sesuai yang mana.
ok That is my face routine.
tentang make up, eye liner, mascara and blusher.. next time ily buat post lagi.. yang ni already extra long nanti boring pula baca kan?
Just sharing and typo sorry huhuhu
Good review
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