Baby Things to Buy and Wish List


I am currently 5 month plus pregnant with my first child. Being a first time parents, both me and my husband is so excited and don’t know where to start when it comes to buying necessity for our baby. Like every other parents, we wanted the best for our baby.

As a list person, I have been doing some research and came out with list of things to buy. The issue here is, there are so many products in the market and we tend to get very confuse as all products says they were the best. There are lots n lots of choices and decisions we have to make. Things like whether go for wear n throw diapers or re-usable washable diapers.. The choices of either to buy baby milk or breastfeed.. and up to which type of strollers to get… Honestly me and my husband were sooo confused.

There are so many deciding factors that come into our mind, like safety, the suitability, the cost and many more. This were the times when I felt that I do not appreciate my parent enough. They must be going thru the same kind of sticky situation.

Anyway, it was actually a big relieve when we found out our baby gender. We able to narrow down the option. Since its a girl, there will be more pinky stuff and flower and super cute dress.. (smiling as I type) we actually didn’t mind if it is a boy or a girl, the most important thing that we have been praying for is for our baby to be healthy and for the delivery process to be smooth and no complications.


If you ask me what have we bought for our baby, all I can say is that.. so far we only got

1) the baby chair for feeding from ikea (it was on discount and it is kinda an impulse purchase)

2) then my husband got our baby a cute lil rolling stones t-shirt (yes, he picked rolling stones for his baby girl.. I could never understand guys..)


3) I bought a cute lil tutu dress from guess utilizing my rm100 voucher the super cute baby dress cost rm189.. I was like “so tiny yet mahal??” but it was sooo cute that I just grab it.


4) then one of my blogger friend have this baby online shop I fb, I got mittens then baby bip then 5 pcs of rompers. Super cute! and she is currently having clearance sale. check out her site here :


Yes, that are all we got for our baby so far.. it is a loonng way to go but we enjoyed the process and I don’t know if this helps but I also created a pintrest to pin up some kind of inspirations and things to buy for our baby..

Link  :



  1. oh kak CONGRATULATION huhu just know bout this..hehe happy preparing and take a very good care of urself ok till we meet again! :)

    1. time kasih banyak2 :) insya Allah nanti kite jumpa <3 take care!

  2. have you gotten the basics?
    - milk bottles. i use philips avent coz its accessories is easily found in major supermarkets, plus you can attach the bottles to the breastpumps as well.
    - diapers, you can standby a pack of newborn diapers (petpet or mamy poko brand) - the difference with newborn diapers is that they have a fold down area for the belly button area to dry out faster to minimise infection; if you plan to use cloth diapers, you can start purchasing them as well :)
    - as for bajus, some babies grow out of it fast; but basics will be like long sleeve pyjamas, gloves for hands and booties for legs. hat is optional (my baby hates to wear hat!)
    - bibs and little hankerchiefs. extremely useful when feeding! :D
    - baby pillow - there's this pillow which has a hollow in the middle..


    1. such a useful tips waiquan! :) to be completely blunt.. I have nothing else except the above prepared yet.. i think i might need to take your advice and stock up diapers and all the other basics <3

  3. Ily..baju for nb takyah beli byk2..nnt u akan dt byk baju as gift...smpai ada byk baju2 yg I beli kt my baby x sempt pkai pun..ada yg I bg kt kwan2 I for their seronok..bila ada bb ni..u da kureng nk shoppin for ur ur more to her/him...syiok! Just njoy d flow yaaa

    1. okay la.. thank you alia.. i rasa betul la i beli yg basic2 jer la kan.. baby pun cepat membesar.. actually you are right,, now days nampak barang budak sengih2.. dulu2 buat derk jer hahaha

  4. I recommend to start preparing your hospital bag for labour too.
    I remember last time when my 2nd was born 2 months early & I was not prepared. Kelam-kabut.
    I agree baju no need to buy too many cuz ur baby girl will definitely be spoiled by so many friend & family. I'm sure they will gift to you & baby grows fast, if u want to buy, better to buy 1 size bigger. Well, that's what I do la.
    Get ready the essentials as recommended as above & you're fine.
    Enjoy your mummyhood! =)

    1. good tips Nadia :) illy tengah nak prepare jugak ni.. terkebil2.. after all the nasihat and tips by kawan2 i think i need to focus more on essential items :) tima kasih yer

  5. hey illy. counting days huh? my son baru 2mo n he cant even fit in 0-3mo punye baju. better get 1size bigger for ur baby. plus kalau u plan nk akan lg cpt membesar ;)

    eh hubby dpt kt mana rollingstones tu? i cari merata h&m cotton on smua da abes stock.. kecewa..

    btw goodluck dear..insyaAllah semuanya mudah nt ok !

    1. yezaa, counting days :) iyer ke? alamak ai.. then illy focus cair baju besar la skit.. thanks tau bagi tips Ain <3 memang illy plan nak breast feeding... harap2 mampu la..

      baju tu i rasa my husband beli kat cotton on baby yang kat paradigm mall.. thank you for the best wishes :)

  6. hey illy. counting days huh? my son baru 2mo n he cant even fit in 0-3mo punye baju. better get 1size bigger for ur baby. plus kalau u plan nk akan lg cpt membesar ;)

    eh hubby dpt kt mana rollingstones tu? i cari merata h&m cotton on smua da abes stock.. kecewa..

    btw goodluck dear..insyaAllah semuanya mudah nt ok !

  7. there is a whole list..... i did prepare but ended up i bought too little stuff...
    online shop is my saviour as i could not go out :) dont worry if you do not have a list or forgot anything, there is always your family around to help u :)

  8. Sampai sekarang saya suka buat wishlist hehehe

  9. that's really much thing need to prepared


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