Cube Crate, Get Monthly surprise deliver to your door!
My top favourite would be the Luscious cocoa body balm from Claire. If you know me, then you might have also know that I am very passionate over gentle “green” products. I think being pregnant 2 years ago, really change the way of my product consumption. I become more aware of what I eat and use. I am not a 100% all organic person but I am trying my best to go for a better option when ever I have the chance to do so. I even came out with my own organic body scrub brand because of my love towards non- chemical products.
Moving on, I also like the Sweet Palate biscuit alot! Share it with my team in office and they like it too. Also in the box is one Moisturizer from White Formula, you may get them from
I was also given RM30 Bfab gift card. If you are wondering what is Bfab it is actully online marketplace where you get to book all kind of beauty and even fitness service at a great price. you get to compare the rate ofthe same services between so many provider and more. I havent get the chance to utilise it yet. But I will since I am thinking to get a nice pedicure.
Next is the alakad. Is is a discount card that you get to enjoy 20% off bill or 25% off on food or 2for1 on dessert and beverages. You just bring your card to the respective restaurant and enjoy the discount. I saw Gloroa Jean’s, Lesung Batu and few other outlets. You might want to check out their website for the full list.
Last but not least, the Black Milk Project is also one of the brand in March Cube Crate Box. The company provide customized rompers and toys. Cute huh?
That’s it today. Hope you like this post and thank you for reading this up. So, What do you think about it?
*I am not paid to write this. Product was sent to me. I spent my personal time to write this up. As usual, I will test and review products or services regardless of whether they have been sent to me or not with honesty. Unless stated so in the post or marked with an asterisk, all products featured on this blog have been bought with my own hard-earned pennies. I started this blog to give my two pennies worth of thought and have fun along the way and that is exactly how this blog shall remain.
Ada cookies gak, hehe =P
ReplyDeletea ah.. sedap plak tu hehehe terasa butter dia :)
Deletea ah.. sedap plak tu hehehe terasa butter dia :)