Fikcles TTDI sedap betul lah
Assalamualaikum and Olla eveyone!
Harini nak share lagi satu tempat makan best yang korang bole try. Sajer la bagi idea kot2 la korang da boring asyik makan tempat sama or sekali sekala nak berehat memasak ke kan? Kali ini illy share about this restaurant that is located at TTDI and nama dia Fikcles. Actually, tak susah cari tempat ni senang jer.
Kalau korang tahu the old IBM building yang sekarang dah jadi bangunan Vads yang warna biru putih tu. Kedai Fikcles ni sebaris kat situ facing the road. Nak full address, scroll down picture last sekali in this blogpost illy ada ambik pic of the full add. Apa susah, waze jer la kan dah canggih zaman sekarang.hehe
Honestly, illy pernah datang kedai ni dulu masa event under nuffnang. Tapi masa tu tak sempat nak try their dishes sangat. Pastu kak Suraya ada tulis pasal lontong goreng paling sedap, illy pun cam curious la kan apa lagi… nak try gak!! haha by the way, gi terjah blog dia k? illy da link kat nama dia tu.
Di pendekan cerita illy pun pergi la dengan husband n sofea nak try. Bukan main kuhsyuk dorang tengok menu hehe… By the way kat Fikcles ni dia punya food more to fussion, coffee & dessert. Dorang ada all day ala carte breakfast menu juga. So, kalau petang ke malam ke teringin nak makan makanan breakfast bole try kat sini. Actually not only breakfast food jer ada… macam2 ada. Tapi jangan datang pukul 2 or 3 pagi plak tau. Sebab their operation hours is from 10am till 11pm on weekdays and 8am till 11pm on Sunday. Owh ya, by the way kalau korang nak tengok live band bole datang every tue or thu. Kalau berminat bola la join them. Actually they also ada singing contest if not mistaken.
Sofea tengok apa tu? Nak ayam ke? hehe by the way dorang ada roasted chicken promotion this month. RM 17.90 untuk quater, then RM24.90 untuk half bird and whole bird RM 38.90 pastu siap bagi side dish ada butter herbs rice, mushroom and the charcutiere sauce. Kitorang pilih ambik yang quater tu.
Nah illy ada ambik pic menu juga kot la korang nak tengok
Kalau office dekat dengan TTDI bole try lunch set kat sini pilihan nak western or eastern.
Ini lah dia Lontong Goreng yang bapak sedap. Seriously, I would definitely come back for this. Sedap, pedas dia tu secukup rasa, pastu isi banyak dah la tu ada telur mata plak. makan memang feeling habis. Berebut I dgn johan makan lontong goreng ni. sofea tengok jer la dia belum cukup umur tak bole makan pedas lagi hehe yang ni harga nya RM 13.90
Kalau teringin nak makan burger pun ada gak. Ni nama dia sliders. Ada 3 ketul mini burger and side ada fries with cheese and some fresh salad. For this sliders harganya RM21.90 kalau yang small eater tu bole share2
Inilah dia rupa roasted chicken tu. Sorry la gambar blur plak this one. Tak sabar nak makan, jadi ambik gambar pun laju jer hehe.. Sedap and kenyang makan this one. Illy suka ayam dia lembut and juicy. Sebab kalau roasted chicken ni ada setengah tempat buat macam dry kan? kat sini tak ayam dia lembut makan pun feeling jer.
Kat sini ada banyak jenis drinks dorang offer but one of the most favourite is this one nama dia Pina Colada. Made out of coconut and pineapple juice. Bole try sedap tak berapa manis and just nice. This one RM12
Last but not least mesti lah ada coffee baru la hipster kan? haha This one kitorang order flat white and they serve it with chocolate chip cookies. Comel jer kat situ hehe and this one cost RM10 for coffee lover mesti suka
Okay la tu jer la nak share kali ni, eh jap… lupa plak kalau nak order untuk katering pun dorang bole ambik. Kalau nak buat event kat the palce dia bole cater around 30-40 pax macam event yang nuffnang buat dulu. Kalau korang nak just catering pastu anta kat umah korang pun ada juga dia ada macam 3 types of package and start from RM35, RM45 and RM55. For catering the minimum order is 30 pax.
That’s it for today and I hope you enjoy this post. Terima kasih again to Kak Suraya sebab suggest tempat ni and thank you to Mr. Dino the cafe manager for hosting our humble family on that day. Arigato!
* I am not paid to write this. Food and services courtesy of Flikcles. I spent personal time and put in personal effort on thisblogpost. As usual, I will test and review products or services regardless of whether they have been sent to me/paid for me or not with honesty. Unless stated so in the post or marked with an asterisk, all products featured on this blog have been bought with my own hard-earned pennies. I started this blog to give my two pennies worth of thought and have fun along the way and that is exactly how this blog shall remain.
Sounds like a nice place to hang out ^-^ Food also looking delicious :)
ReplyDeletesnowmint, if you happen to drop by, and if you like spicy food do try out the lontong goreng sedap!
Deleteyou are most welcome Eleene :)
ReplyDeleteSimple design but the food look attrative
ReplyDeletesure looks attractive to make the saliva drip :)
ReplyDeleteaiyoyoooo~~~ the foods seems so tempting
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteYummy yummy
Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeletegood sharing, next time can try it
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing
ReplyDeletesedapnya...tapi jauh la...
ReplyDeletejemput dtg ye..
next time must be try
ReplyDeletevery nice the burger n drink
ReplyDeletethank for sharing all
ReplyDeletenice delicious
ReplyDeletegood delicious