Wajib try RIMBA & RUSA by Wondermilk
Assalamualaikum and Olla everyone!
Korang dah pernah try makan kat Rimba Rusa tak? Best tempat ni, nak tahu kenapa best, jom baca my latest entry. Hehehe So, actually recent weekend kami sekeluarga nak gi cari barang keperluan rumah pastu decide alang – alang makan kat luar jer la karang da penat masak kalua kat umah karang tak jadi keluar pulak kan? So, kitorang pun pergi la try Rimba Rusa ni first sebab dekat dengan rumah second sebab kat situ senang parking.
Rimba Rusa is actually under the wing of wondermilk. Ala mesti korang tahu punya la wondermilk ni yang jual cupcake kat uptown tu. Sedap tau cupcake dorang. Dulu masa office illy kat Uptown selalu gak la beli cupcake dengan dorang ni.
Okay tak nak citer pasal wondermilk karang lari topic la kan? Harini nak cerita pasal Rimba & Rusa. Okay location kedai dia dekat Nexis Sunway Giza. It is actually shopping complex baru tepi Sunway Giza. Tapi korang jangan confuse pergi ke bandar sunway pulak tau? Location dorang kat kota damansara. Located at
D-GF-01 Sunway Nexis
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
03-6151 4022
Korang waze jer la senang citer. Nak parking senang tersangat sebab mall ni belum fully operated so memang banyak kosong parking. Haritu illy pergi pun free jeer parking sebab dorang belum start charge.
About the food, marvellous. Presentation terbaik, portion boleh tahan rasa pun sedap. Actually kitorang cam tak sabar bila nak pergi lagi. hahaa Yang first picture tu illy order Sweet Tamarind Pan Seared Salmon. Harga RM34 rasa cam mahal kan? Tapi sebenarnya puas hati. Salmon dia bagi tebal besar pastu rasa dia tu memang sedap. Nak cerita pun tak berapa reti tapi memang first time illy rasa salmon masak macam ni sedap sangat. sila la try, tak rugi tak menyesal punya.
menu dia ada menu kids hehe saya suka!
Ni Petit Moi harga RM 10 ini menu untuk kecik. Ada dalam 7 hidangan so your kids pun bole enjoy meal dorang. Comel tak presentation dorang? Sweet jer kan? Rasa macam homely. Husband illy order pizza apa entah illy lupa nama full dia but i think macam meat lover ke apa camtu la.. Illy dah snap gambar bole lak blur hadoi haha
tu ada tangan budak kecik sibuk jer nak sikit pizza. Pizza ni terbaik bosss wa cakap sama lu. Daging yang dorang letak tu cam shredded pastu meat loaf apa semua letak and siap letak runny eggs kat atas so masa korang makan tu telur kunig tu pecah dalam mulut. Bukan satu biji, dua biji terus dia bagi kat situ.
Drinks illy ambik Melon pastu johan ambik Ice Coffee, sofea suka sangat dgn melon tu.
Dessert time! Illy and family try Eton Mess sebab tak tahu nak pilih yang mana semua macam best and our first time datang sini. Pastu tengok kat menu dia ada gambar eton mess ni macam menarik so kami cubalah. Not bad sedap but agak manis skit. Dah tu desset mesti la manis tak kan pahit lak kan? haha Tengok si Sofea tu, sibuk nak gak.. mana bole awak masih dalam pantang mana bole sugar2 ni kamu dessert fruits jer k?
Lepas makan semua tu apa lagi, tersandar lah kami.. Kesimpulanya, tempat ni best in term of ambiance comel very warm and welcoming. Presentation cantik, rasa sedap, parking pun senang. Okay tu jer la nak share kali ni. Tips : kalau pergi weekend sila pergi awal kalau tak nak tunggu turn sebab kedai ni ramai peminat nya. If not pun takpa dont worry dorang ada prepare waiting station. Korang bole tangkap gambar puas2 dulu sementara menunggu.
Okay next time kalau illy jumpa tempat makan yang best2 lagi nanti illy share k? Nanti da rezeki nak ajak family illy and family mertua datang la try Rimba & Rusa ni hehe.. Thank you for dropping by at my humble page and to read this up. Appreciate it alot and hope korang terhibur and dapat idea next time nak makan mana. Bye!
* I am not paid to write this. This is our personal experience. We paid for the services like any other customer. I spent personal time and put in personal effort on this blogpost. As usual, I will test and review products or services regardless of whether they have been sent to me/paid for me or not with honesty. Unless stated so in the post or marked with an asterisk, all products featured on this blog have been bought with my own hard-earned pennies. I started this blog to give my two pennies worth of thought and have fun along the way and that is exactly how this blog shall remain.
Been reading about Rimba & Rusa in magazines but never tried it before. The pizza looks absolutely delicious ^-^
ReplyDeleteit is.. too bad my pic turn out blur haha but if you like pizza you might not want ot miss trying that one out :) enjoy!
Deletethanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteyou are most welcome! :)
DeleteWill go to taste it when got opportunity
ReplyDeletehope that you will have a great experience there!
DeleteOkay tempted, I wanna try
ReplyDeletego go go.. nanti kalau try menu lain buat la review nak baca gak hahaha :)
Deletetak boleh tahan tengok pizza tu.. wowww.. nampak sedap sgt!
ReplyDeletetak menahan tgk pizza tu walaupon pic nyer blur sikit..dapnyerrr
ReplyDeleteyummy :) menu for kids is always something i look forward too :) must jaga kids tummy then only mummy can eat :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteI like the pizza.
Thanks for sharing .
ReplyDeleteSupport (Y)
thanks for sharing.
ReplyDeleteWah...mcm best niiiiii
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, pizza looks yummy~
ReplyDeleteall nice the drink
ReplyDeletethank for sharing
ReplyDeletethank for sharing at petaling jaya ,next time go to try it
ReplyDeleteyummy yummy pizza
ReplyDeleteenjoy your dinner