Visa payWave make purchase a breeze!

visa payWave illy blog

Assalamualaikum and Olla everyone!

I bet the POS machine above has become a familiar sight right? Ever since July 1 this year, it has been more than a month that the signature-based verification for purchases has been fully replaced with PIN and PAY. I personally found it far more secure and convenient at the same time as only I have the access to my secured pin password. Yeay to that!


Here is a simple chart I came out with to show the payment method options for Visa cardholders. Have you tried them both? One of the best thing about this upgrade is that we do not need to key in our PIN for purchases below RM250!

I don’t think I am the only one who is not really in favour of queuing. Imagine if everyone fully used the Visa payWave feature when buying groceries. How much time we all can save instead of spending it to queue? I find that paying with Visa payWave is very convenient.

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I don’t have to worry if I have enough cash in my purse, I don’t search high and low to look for small coins. I don’t have to count the cash balance given to me after accepting it from the cashier. I have come across many honest mistakes of short-of balance during cash payment. By using Visa payWave, it cuts off the human error when it comes to returning balance. It also reduces the possibility of forgetting to re-collect my card at the cashier. Within seconds, I can get going. Super quick and easy. These are all the reasons why Visa payWave make purchases a breeze for me!


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