Majlis Konvokesyen Kesembilan 2012 (UniKL)
Hari my bro selamat bergelar graduan :) die grad Dip. Engineering Technology in Computer & Networking
Alhamdulilah, very happy for him. Lepas ni bole la pursue degree pulak :) Semoga berjaya yer... Last two weeks, baru selesai pertandingan Hero Remaja, walaupun tak menang tp at my heart he is always a winner.
I remember having a sore throat after the competition. I was screaming n cheering tooo hard I guess :)
Anyway, balik semula ada main topic.... Belajar la rajin2 focus, zaman sekarang ramai org pandai2 bukan mudah nak bersaing :) so kena tekun, rendah diri and always remember where you come from.....
Bunga kat bawah ni from me n my mum :)
I wish him all the best and all the success in his life :)
Alhamdulilah, very happy for him. Lepas ni bole la pursue degree pulak :) Semoga berjaya yer... Last two weeks, baru selesai pertandingan Hero Remaja, walaupun tak menang tp at my heart he is always a winner.
I remember having a sore throat after the competition. I was screaming n cheering tooo hard I guess :)
Anyway, balik semula ada main topic.... Belajar la rajin2 focus, zaman sekarang ramai org pandai2 bukan mudah nak bersaing :) so kena tekun, rendah diri and always remember where you come from.....
Bunga kat bawah ni from me n my mum :)
I wish him all the best and all the success in his life :)
congratz dhiya...:)