Cleaner and Fresh Air with the aid of Ambipur & Febreze First Defense Range



Olla everyone!

Hows is your Monday so far? Hope everything is going great at your end! Today I would like to share with you my new fav range by Ambi Pur and Febreze! Ya…ever since I had a baby, me and my husband decided to make sure that our home is clean so that it is in a healthy condition. Baby immune system is still at early stages so as many other parents we wanted to protect our baby as best as we could.

Great thanks to this Ambi Pur First Defense Air Effects and Febreze First Defense Fabric Refresher, it is so much easier to do so. Do you know that this First Defense Range formulated with Trap and Lock™ House Dust Reduction technology that captures inanimate particles? Not just our baby, even adult able to be protected from airborne allergies such as house dust, dust mites, pollen and pet dander Smile Hoooray!



Spraying Febreze First Defense Fabric Refresher on soft fabric reduces up to 95% ( yes! 95% mannnn….) of airborne allergens from fabric while eliminating odours. When Ambi Pur First Defense Air Effects is sprayed to the air above soft fabrics, malodours are trapped and eliminated, while trapping up to 75% of inanimate allergens from becoming airborne.

Just what I need expecially we have this haze situation so those dust and haze particles always end up coming to our home. Make my life so much easier and healthier! All I needto do is just spray it here and there around the house. It will make my fabric dust free, the air in my home is also cleaner and more breathable Smile

First Defence™ House Dust Reducer is available in both FebrezeFabric Refresher and AmbiPurAir Effects. AmbiPur Air Effects House Dust Reducer is available in two light scents, Clean Zest and Clean Splash, at a suggested retail price of RM 17.50. Febreze Fabric Refresher House Dust Reducer comes in Unscented and Pure Refreshment, at a suggested retail price of RM 11.90. Products are available at all leading retail stores.

Thanks for dropping by and reading this post. Before I end this post, check out latest pic of my baby Sofea smilling happily!



*Product courtesy by P&G. As usual, I will test and review products or services regardless of whether they have been sent to me or not with honesty. Unless stated so in the post or marked with an asterisk, all products featured on this blog have been bought with my own hard-earned pennies. I started this blog to give my two pennies worth of thought and have fun along the way and that is exactly how this blog shall remain.


  1. I love Ambi Pur very much! it help me a lot from room to living hall, I'll spray here & there to make the air become fresh.

  2. I use Febreeze to keep my stuffs clean and fresh! A few spritz and it smells heavenly ^-^

  3. febreze help me spray the carseat roller, because can help me clern the bacteria more


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