First Half 2015 Update
Alright, we are reaching towards the end of first
half for the year 2016. Beginning of every year, like many others I did a goal
list and so on.. and every now and then I like to reflect of what I have achieved and then what are the progress.. Was thinking, maybe I should just write it on
my blog to appreciate all the milestones during this first half of 2015.. It is
kinda hard for me to absorb that 5 months have goes down the road and we getting
older each day.. Well,
Let’s start with January.
The kick start to my year, was when I was
approached by Brand Director to go to Korea for a beauty treatment sponsorship.
It went good at first and I was honestly very excited. Then after communicating
and liaising further I decided not to proceed due to so many reason. If I want
to write it out here then you might need to grab some nasi lemak or something
while reading becoz it is gonna be loooong.. So, let’s just cut the hassle and
put it as personal reason. Haha
My Daughter turn 8 months in January 2015 and
looking at all the pictures, I am sooo thankful that I was given the trust by
Allah to experience this amount of happiness of becoming a mother. Mummy love
you loooong time Sofea!
Also on the same month, Sofea went for her first
casting and landed a job as the new cover baby for a diaper brand. Her chubby
cheek face will be on the new packaging throughout 6 countries in South East
Asia for the next 3 years. I am still anxiously waiting for the packaging to be
out haha.. The production house told me that it will be out in public by Jun, so
we will see how it goes.
It is my bloggingversary.. is there such a word?
Hahaha.. Well anyway yes, been blogging since Feb 2010 and it have changed my
life so much. I really grateful that I started a blog and hold on to it. Like
tanam pokok la must siram consistently baru la tumbuh sihat dan ada buah kan? If
hari2 siram for the first few weeks pastu abandon cammana pokok nak tumbuh sihat
kan? Cheewahh tips di situ. If nak whole details about blogging then you all dah
kena ambik cuti sebab blogpost akan panjang menjela hahaha… nanti la ada masa
illy share more n more tips macam mana nak develop and maintain blog k?

In the same month, we went for Keduri Aqiqah my
anak sedara , and satu kali my dad side buat family reunion di D'Heritage
Homestay. Seronok la tempat tu, siap malam tu kami barbeque dan my cousin pergi
memancing bcoz just infront of the rest house ada kolam for pancing. Seronok
rasa tenang jer. If ada kesempatan insya Allah nak pergi lagi laaa
Feb is more like a celebration month to me
personally, I went to few gathering on that one itself. CNy makan2 and all the
Ofcoz also go makan2 with my current workmate.
Actually this is my 3rd time celebrating CNY lunch with my current
workplace. #ebaygirls rock!
Went to my blogger friend Shivani’s Wedding..
sorry for the blurry pic! But I think you can easily spot the beautiful bride.
Not forgetting Ayna’s Baby Shower at Villa Manja..
Owh mannn the message is sooo good. Jom pergi lagi jom jom! Haha come to think
of it time memang cepat berlalu.. at the moment I am typing this Ayna da in
confinement dah.. hehehe.. I cant wait to meet baby Ammar n kiss him on his
Also on the same month of February 2015, we lost
our step dad. He is a very kind man and please sedekahkan Al-fatihah to him if
you are a muslim and happened to read this post. Amin, semoga Allah membalas
segala budi yang arwah telah curahkan kepada kami.
With a new month comes a new hope, during March
this year, went to quite a number of blogging event.. and my cousin got married!
Tahniah Kak Nurul and Syed.
Me and my bro
Owh ya, we also went to Bangkok with my dad and my
brothers. It is Sofea’s first plane experience and travelling abroad. She did
well on the plane at first but end up crying for the whole flight back to KL
hahaha…which is why I learn (and developed) few skills on how to make her calm
It is definitely a trip to be remembered. Macam2
jadi ada manis ada pahit macam2 la.. haha siap my husband kena pick pocket pun
ada.. ifyou want to read more about my Bangkok trip you may just check out my
archive post. Ada kat sana, tapi ada juga yang tak sempat update.. still dalam
progress hehe.. sorry la saya part time blogger jer mana ada masa nak update
semua serentak kan..
In March, I had a good catching up session with Pr
friends from Impact Communication Eva, Renuka and Fatin. Thank you for the lunch
invite. So bila lagi nak lepak jom haha.
One of the main highlight of Mar is when my father
went for back disk operation. We are truly grateful that everything goes well
and that my dad is healthy back! Stay strong tok ayah. That’s kind conclude my
Moving on to April, wahhh even more dramatic..
Sometime I felt like living in a soap opera. One minute like this one minute
like that.. tapi sebagai orang islam kena percaya qada and qadar (ketentuan). It
is actually one of the hardest situation that I ever faced. My
daughter was admitted to hospital, it started off just a normal fever and one
thing lead to another.. End up spending a week in hospital and 4 days in ICU
sobbing continuously and helplessly praying to God to heal my daughter.
I also end up having my birthday dinner in ICU
with my husband and daughter. To me nothing it more important that my beloved
baby to be healthy back again. So happy she is healthy now. Yabe dabebu….
Well, wait first.. the drama still haven’t even ended..
On the same morning while I was in ICU with bengkak eyes (since I cant stop
crying) and while I was busy taking care of my sick daughter.. It is my first
time not be able to sleep (even when I am extremely tired) for more than 5
days.On that same day.. I was hit with another news. My kawan share with me that
there is this one community that I used to be contributing to last time update a
public status with my name and it is just nasty. Tapi takpala I maafkan dia.
Terima kasih sebab tunjuk betapa murninya hati anda. Kalau nak citer panjang..
For me, kalau benda tu tak datang kan kebaikan tak payah la I nak join meroyan..
I rather focus on what is important. After all, time will tell.
Here comes May and we went to Chiang Mai for a
whole week haha.. It is such a good stress free and relaxing experience. I
seriously cannot wait to come back for more. 
Memang syok la, talking about Chiang Mai trip. I have complete 2 blogpost about Chiang Mai and 3 more currently still in the mist of drafting.. Nanti I update skit2 k?

Memang syok la, talking about Chiang Mai trip. I have complete 2 blogpost about Chiang Mai and 3 more currently still in the mist of drafting.. Nanti I update skit2 k?

May is my new favourite month becoz it is my
daugther’s birthday month! Yeay! Since my daughter is now on a strict no salt no
sugar diet, so we got her a birthday salad instead hahaha
Also Sofea’s birthday is the same date as Ayna’s!!
hahaha… Caro, me and Ayna went for makan2 to celebrate and it have always been
awesome to meet the girls and catch up. Now kena tunggu Ayna habis pantang first
then only jumpa.. counting days..

Actually, I book a weekend stay at Philea Resort
& Spa to spend my birthday weekend but since my daughter is still in ICU at
that time, then we end up pushing our trip to May instead. I kind glad that we
went on May as things goes so smoothly during our trip. We also visited the
butterfly park and it was another beautiful memories that will last forever in
my heart.

That’s it.. for now.. That’s basically the my
milestones of what’s happening in my life during the first half of this year. I
don’t know what else will happen in the future.. Until then.. I’ll just enjoy
the moment and appreciate all the blessing. I know Allah akan sentiasa menguji
hamba nya dan janji Allah itu pasti. Honestly, the more I try to understand my
religion the more strength and happiness I received. For my workwise, things is
going great and I am grateful that I am given the trust to hold a managerial
position in this company. I am also blessed with wonderful people around me. On
top of that, blogging have been bringing in so much opportunities into my life.
I will promise to be more hard working and to contribute as much as I can.
But then again… This is only 20% of what is truly really happening in my life. Like you, I am also human.. I face lots of issue in life and the list could go on and on and on… What I am saying here is, no matter what.. It is best to try your best to look at the positive side and find goodness in everything. As it is obviously less tiring.
I hope you like this post and thank you so much for spending your time to read this. I love you guys a lot. Thank you for all the support that have been given to my humble blog for all these while. HUGS!!
But then again… This is only 20% of what is truly really happening in my life. Like you, I am also human.. I face lots of issue in life and the list could go on and on and on… What I am saying here is, no matter what.. It is best to try your best to look at the positive side and find goodness in everything. As it is obviously less tiring.
I hope you like this post and thank you so much for spending your time to read this. I love you guys a lot. Thank you for all the support that have been given to my humble blog for all these while. HUGS!!
Girl, I'm so proud of you! You are definitely a strong girl because of your endless positive thinking.. Love you!!
ReplyDeleteAww.. Thank you so much kat! I love you lagi banyak :) hugssss ketat2 <3
ReplyDeleteFuuh! Life's indeed like a roller coaster ride! Glad everything turning better and let's hope for the best! :D
ReplyDeleteit is <3 but friends like you make it all bearable <3
DeleteBaby Ammaar can't wait to meet Auntie Illy & Baby Sofea too ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ReplyDeletekirim peluk cium banyak2 hehehehe <3 <3 <3
DeleteBlogwalking sini :)
ReplyDeleteLife update. Love it. Kadang-kadang, kita nak memory tu stick at one place, so that, bila baca balik, ada kenangan yg boleh buat kita tersenyum semula.
a lovely capture for the first half of the year.. i never thought to do this :) so many memories and happy moments.. i agree with you - family and kids are our priorities now and wouldnt trade anything in the world for them! every milestone is so so important!
ReplyDeleteBaru separuh tahun, dah macam-macam jadi. Yang paling saya terkejut pasal community tu. Tak faham jugak kenapa.
ReplyDeleteAnd and, kak illy bawak sofea pergi casting mane? macam nak jugak je bahahahha
After viewing this , just realise that i'm not capture much photo with my family
ReplyDeleteSuch an eventful and fruitful half year. Many good things going to come your way ^-^
ReplyDeleteyou have had a great upper part of 2015!
ReplyDeleteHappy family
ReplyDeletehappy family memories
ReplyDeletebaby look same with u illy