Jom shopping kat



Korang da shopping baju raya ke belum? Ni nak share ada website shopping baru yang ada banyak good deal. Seriously.. tak caya? Meh jom baca. Tengok la sendiri, the amount of choices yang ada. I am honestly spoilt with choices. From kasut to baju jubah to jacket to couple shirt and even kids clothes pun ada.



What I found (and like) about this site is that the browsing experience yang best. Memang dia letak all the products base on catergory tak kira dari seller yang mana masuk sekali. The result? As buyer, you can easily browse by scrolling down. Memang mencuci mata babe. I like the layout, tak payah nak click2 banyak kali. Just pilih nak beli catergory apa pastu all will be shown to you, tinggal nak scroll jer.



From the website layout, you will get to check out gambar (obviously) then ada hargakat situ terus senang citer. Kalau berminat terus masuk cart. Nak tengok apa yang illy jumpa? Good deal baik punya hehehe…



Check this out, one of the clothes illy jumpa, this one siap bagi shawl sekali senang tak payah nak beli asing. Jadi concept bundlejer terus. Beli jubah dia bagi shwal sekali. Harga dia pulak memang berbaloi. I mean seriously, mana nak cari jubah peplum sekali dgn shawl harga RM57?? ha… ni pasni senang la nak cari baju2 sambil tu bole jimat duit.



Sambil shopping tu bole tengok kat bahagian chart kat atas tu berapa da kita beli, so alang2 bole la make sure within budget ke tak kan?




How to purchase? Simple sangat, hanya pilih yang mana you all prefer then just masuk billing details and deivery address da bole bayar and tunggu mr. courier hantarkan baju baru korang. hehe senang kan? tapi part yang paling best tu harga nya dan pilihan tu la.. memang banyak betul choice nya.. Okay la ni citer banyak pun tak guna, illy nak sambung belek2 website ni lagi.. nak cari untuk suami dan baby sofea pulak. hehe


I hope you like this post and enjoy shopping!



*This is a sponsored post. Opinions are my own based on my personal experience.


  1. cam best jer ni kak illy, nak try juga la

  2. cepat tak dia hantar?

  3. Wowww...bestnya...nk kena usha2 ni

  4. Most of their barang memang murah-murah. Just yang ada brand tu mahal. ang baju and dress style korea memang murah

  5. must recommend to my friends :) looks pretty :)

  6. Another place for ladies to shopping


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