Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg Plus Vitamin E by Bio-Life |Review|
Assalamualaikum and Olla Everyone!
I’m in my early 30’s and this time I decided to give extra attention and love to my body. I mean we only have one body (unless you have a spare body haha). The best way to make sure our body function at optimum level is to make sure it is healthy and got all the nutrients it needs. We all know how nutrients are actually the building block and helps our body to effectively. If we are healthy, we tend to be happier and become more productive too! It is a WIN,WIN and WIN situation.
Recently, I was introduced to Evening Primrose Oil 1000mg Plus Vitamin E by Biolife. I’ve heard about EPO before but have not tried them religiously so. After researching about all its benefits, I regret not taking them earlier haha.. Better late than never huh?
So what is Evening Primrose Oil (EPO)? It is actually an oil that is extracted from the seeds of evening primrose plant. Meaning it is completely from botanical source. If you know how devoted I am towards herbaceous then you would understand my excitement. It contains omega-6 fatty acids, essential fatty acids where the human body cannot synthesize. It is considered an essential fatty acid because the human body cannot synthesize it.
EPO also contain gamma-linoleic acid (GLA) and linoleic acid (LA). Usually, women that having PMS and pre-menopause gravitate towards having low GLA level in their system, so taking this EPO will boost hormonal balance, retain skin moisture and will reduce inflammation.
Actually, I can type a very long blogpost on how EPO help to make us beautiful. But nobody got time for that, let’s just say that it is a wonderful supplement if beauty is one of your main concern. EPO will make your skin way more beautiful. It is also great for your hair and nails. Tips : Bring a pil box like the one in picture so you can have them anywhere you go. Lesser potential of skipping the pills. I like to take them daily in the car while going to office or first thing in the morning at office before I start working.
Why I think you should consider EPO by Bio-life is because they also include Vitamin E. Hello?? Vitamin E is a well-known for anti-aging thanks to the anti-oxidant benefit.
If you are looking for EPO, look for those that contain high dosage within 500mg to 1200mg. The one from : Biolife Evening Primrose oil Plus Vitamin E is 1000mg. Do check the GLA percentage it is recommended to get those which have at least 0% GLA. Try to get the ones that been extracted via cold pressed. This will ensure no heat is involved in the process which translate to more natural profile and goodness still inside your EPO. Best to also get those with Vitamin E. It is not only good for anti aging, like I mentioned earlier but it also helps to retain the freshness of your EPO.
I been taking one capsule once daily. During period or when I feel like my skin is dry then I end I will take 2 capsules instead. If you have eczema then best for you to consume 2 –3 capsules. You might see an improvement.
I find EPO from Bio-Life very reasonably priced and very affordable. A big bottle that have 180 capsules priced at RM 63. If you take 1 capsules a day, then a bottle can last you half a year. Then you monthly cost will be only RM10.50 a month . You can get them at any leading pharmacies nationwide.
As always, I will only recommend and write about products that I personally tried and works for me. We are at the end of this post. I hope you find them informative or beneficial if you are in the mood to look for supplement and to take a good care of your body. For more info do check out Bio-Life Website.
Thank you for spending your time to read this and I hope you put your health as priority. Till next blogpost, don’t forget to take it easy and smile!
#biolifemalaysia, #eveningprimroseoil, #EPO, #womenhealth, #beauty, #healthsupplement, #supplementforwomen, #GLA, #ezcema, #skinmoisture, #hormonalbalance
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I love reading it <3 Big hug!!