Tanamera Ageless Facial Serum |Honest Review|

Tanamera Ageless Facial Serum
Assalamualaikum and Olla Everyone!
I have been using this Tanamera Ageless Facial Serum for 2 months plus now since Nov 2018 and I think it is about time for me to share some insight. Well, those who know me would understand that I am always looking for the most botanical options. Tanamera is one of those brand that I love because of its commitment to use only natural ingredients.
I have tried their confinement sets (for both deliveries), their herbal massage oil, scrubs, body lotions, body showers and the list can go on and on and on. Not only they are cost efficient for the quality they provide but also they do work. Anyway, let’s get back to Tanamera Ageless Facial Serum. 

Tanamera Ageless Facial Serum
This is how the bottle looks like. It cost RM115 for 30ml which is very reasonable considering the ingredients they used are very similar to high end skincare that cost more than triple. The main active ingredients in this bottle are from rice (also known as Oryza Sativa). The rice used are 100% organic and it also goes through a very unique double fermentation process. this helps to ensure the “ingredients are at its most optimum” state. Not only it is potent, it is also very rich in nutrients, vitamins also active micro-bioflora that will do wonder to your skin. There are many research out there on the benefits of fermented rice to our skin.
In fact, I remember when I was a little girl. My grandmother from my mum side did share with me some ancient beauty tips. Guess what? Using the water of a rinsed rice, we fermented it and then applied to our skin. Back then I didn't know much about all these beauty tips but it does help to sooth my skin and I am so glad that it is now readily available in a bottle form. It makes it so much easier to continue the ancient beauty tradition. Did your granma give out any beauty tips? Let me know in the comment. I would love to try them out haha..
Tanamera Ageless Facial Serum
Anyway, back to the product. You can click the image if you want to read more of the ingredients. Instruction is very simple. Just apply them day and night. For me, I use them just how I use any other serum.

Day : Wash face > toner > Tanamera Serum > pimple spots treatment > eye cream > moisturizer > sunblock > make up.
Night : Wash face > toner > Tanamera Serum > pimple spots treatment > eye cream > moisturizer > face mist. Every other night I will also use face mask. I’ll also scrub once a week.
Tanamera Ageless Facial Serum
What I personally like about the product other that quality of the formulation is this pump diffuser. It gave me some hygienic assurance as it reduce the possibilities of contamination.. Yeay!
Tanamera Ageless Facial Serum
This is how the texture looks like. It seem like a watery translucent gel. It dries up forming like a layer on protection. A little goes a long way with it, you just need a little bit. I went excited the other day and used three pumps and then realised it gave some lifting affect to my skin hahaa.. I would suggest one pump for whole face. Personally, I realised my skin complexion is much better and my fine lines is also reduced. I am a happy user and there is a big chance that I may replenish them soon.
Alright then, we are the end of this post. I hope you find this piece helpful somehow if you are in the market to look for a reputable natural serum that is also cost efficient.
Don’t forget to also have enough sleep, think about happy thoughts (more often), clean your face properly, drink enough water, eat a balanced meal and stay active. It is a corelated effort, our mind body and souls need to be at good state in order to have good outcome. Because our skin is one of the way for our body to let us know what is happening inside. Ofcoz good products helps but the best way to tackle any issue is from all angle, form inside out.
Take care, I hope you achieve a good healthy skin that everyone of us dream off. Till next blogpost. Don’t forget to take it easy and smile!


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