BOSS MA VIE Pour Femme (Review)


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Olla everyone!

How are you today? I am back with a stylish dusty pink bottle of perfume review. Introducing Ma Vie Pour Femme. Ma Vie Pour Femme is the brand new and latest addition to the Boss female fragrance family. This Eau de Parfum comes in a package of the same design as its predecessors but with the bottle with a precision cut crystal lid and a gold band, coloured in a soft shade of pink, a colour chosen by Jason Wu, Artistic Director of BOSS Women's wear.




Do you know that Ma Vie is described as “strong, feminine and independent”? Well, this perfume was inspired by the independent spirit of a woman as she pauses to indulge in the simple moments in life; in this moment, she is at her most captivating, exuding a glow of femininity and confidence. Fresh, indulgent and fulfilling, this perfume, created around the cactus flower invites you to take time to savour your life. Which is why the idea of putting Gwyneth Paltrow as the face for this perfume is just so right. In my opinion, the fiercely independent character and the go-getter personality of the Hollywood star makes her a superb fit as brand ambassador for the fragrance.

As for my experience, this bottle reminds me of how delicate and strong a woman can be at the same time. For the smell, the blooming bouquet of pink freesia, jasmine petals and rose buds in at the heart of this perfume, while the intense warmth of cedarwood forms the base. The thing binding all fragrances in the range together is the bottle design - modern and sleek with a touch of feminine gold and a precision-cut crystal lid. I personally adore this fragrance - it is a little bit sweet, but still fresh and playful. I actually think that it represents inspiration behind it beautifully, so I am wearing it on special occasion like business meeting or for any blogger events that I need to attend to. The scent lingers a long time on my skin too and the pink bottle looks very girly and sweet.

The line up

BOSS MA VIE Pour Femme Eau de Parfum 30ml RM 168

BOSS MA VIE Pour Femme Eau de Parfum 50ml RM 236

BOSS MA VIE Pour Femme Eau de Parfum 75ml RM 305

BOSS MA VIE Pour Femme Shower Gel 200ml RM 103

BOSS MA VIE Pour Femme Body Lotion 200ml RM 113


So ya, that’s about it and great thanks for dropping by and reading my write up. I do appreciate it. If you happened to have a blog or website, do leave a comment with your links so I could come and visit you too Smile I love visiting sites and read up other’s perspective in life and get to know new friends.


*Products courtesy by Hugo Boss. I am not paid to write this review, I spent personal time and put in personal effort on this blogpost. As usual, I will test and review products or services regardless of whether they have been sent to me/paid for me or not with honesty. Unless stated so in the post or marked with an asterisk, all products featured on this blog have been bought with my own hard-earned pennies. I started this blog to give my two pennies worth of thought and have fun along the way and that is exactly how this blog shall remain.


  1. can you please stop tempting me? I felt like rushing to Isetan to get myself a bottle

    1. good stuff n happening are worth to be shared!! hahahahaah :)

  2. wawawa~~~ this bottle is simple & nice, hopefully the smell is good, too.

  3. The bottle looks like some kind of lotion :)


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