Tabin Wildlife Resort, Sabah - Experiencing Night Safari + Mud Volcano!
Assalamualaikum and Olla everyone!
Around 3 weeks ago, my husband and I are fortunate enough to join Media FAM Trip to Tawau - Lahad Datu and Sandakan in Sabah. I would like to thank Tourism Malaysia, Sabah Tourism, MAS Airlines, MasWings and also the rest of the sponsors for making it happen.
More than a decade ago, I started blogging have been documenting my life journey on this blog and little that I know it will then lead to so many amazing life experiences. For that I am grateful. Sorry in advance for taking the time to write this post and to share it with all of you. I wanted to do it as soon actually, but I have other day time work obligations that need to be taken care of. Anyway, enough rambling let's just dive right into it.
We took a morning flight from KLIA via MH 2260 and it took only 2 hours 55mins to arrive at Tawau Airport. As always, we love Malaysian Airlines hospitality. Not saying this cause we are sponsored. Even when we go on our personal trip, (I mean we do take budget flight too) I realized how much comfy and easy breezy it is traveling with MAS. With the 20kg inclusive check-in baggage allowances, the option of meal, entertainment (so many movies to choose from haha) and most important of all we don't have to spend so much extra time trying to check-in. Highly recommended to opt for MAS airlines expecially if you have the budget or a pair of demanding kids and you value comfort.
The price is actually reasonable, around RM250 for one way. I screenshot it here for you, of coz you can get better deal during promo so do check out MAS Airlines for more info. I like to scan my flight option using and buy them in advance to secure a better rate.
Dont forget to make use of shopback to get cash reward too hahaha... use my link click here to get RM5 ringgit into your shopback account. I like to just download the app in my browser and it will remind me to use it if the website provide cash back.. so far you can see above that that I have earned RM473.31 from my previous transaction haha.. The majority are from talk about that later. But ya, if you are getting a flight ticket via mas airlines then dont forget to have a shopback account to get even more value for the money you are spending...
Anyway, back to Tabin Wildlife Resort. As we arrived at Tawau we took a bus and go to Lahad Datu. That itself is another 2-hours bus ride (124km) and we had our lunch at Restaurant Dovist (share about the restaurant in another post especially for FOOD in Sabah). From there we were transported in a van and it took us another 1 hour 20mins ride to arrive at Tabin Wildlife Resort. To be honest the ride is bumpy expecially from the main road to go to Tabin Wildlife Resort. Those who have motion sickness, best to have your medicine prepared. However, if you are easy-going like my husband and I then I don't think you mind traveling at all. I actually enjoy the view of going to Tabin Wildlife Resort. There are lots of plantation and the bumpy ride keep me excited for what's to come!
As we arrived, we are greeted by Tabin Wildlife Resort Crew. They put like a welcome crown leaves on us with a big smile. Do expect a nice cold welcome drink and cold towel to freshen up.
Then they gave us this Guest Registration Form. Just have to fill in your details in.
Then briefing is given, my heart is already pumping!! Cant believe it, im in Sabah and about to explore one of the oldest Wildlife Reserve!! OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG......... This is really happening.
Click the picture if you like to read the guide in more detail. Basic information given there. Be prepared to emerge in nature as much! How I wish we can stay longer than just one night. Still grateful to even experience it in the first place. I gave us more reason and motivation to come back to enjoy more nights with our kids in the future. The parks are actually famous among international crowds expecially those who really crave nature and wildlife. Gosh, I can't believe I just found out that we actually do have an amazing nature place like this in Malaysia. Why on earth am I eyeing to bring our kids to Africa for a safari ride when I haven't even brought them here!! We should start by exploring our own backyard first.
Love the peace that Tabin Wildlife Resort provides. It is such a luxury to me and my husband. We are living in the middle of the concrete jungle in KL and each minute spent being in Tabin is really therapeutic for us. I think all of you should be here at least once in your life.
During this trip I made new friends too!! Meet MAx, Sunah, the funny Sis Lin and also Rosila. After checking in we went to change and take a short walk to Tabin Visitor Center.
At this center I meet Mawi, he is one of the ranger here at Tabin Wildlife Resort. He shares so many things to us. You see the rhino in the picture? That rhino passed away a couple of months back and it is the only female rhino left name Putong. She is called Putong because one of her leg cut off as it was stuck in poachers trap. How sad!! Now we only left with one male rhino in the whole wide world. Like I am not even kidding, we have another Sumatran rhino in Indonesia and these people are trying their best to do IVF or something like that to make sure they are not extinct. What happens to us? How do we let this be? Are we going to keep doing damage till we are just living with robots?
Tabin Wildlife Resort are quite famous with the germans as they have an expert that came here to try their best to make sure our grandkids can still see rhinos. I wish I can be a better help than just sharing this info online. We got to wake up.
At Tabin Visitor Center, you will get to learn even more about the kind of animals that you may see during your safari trip. You will also get the chance to purchase some souvenirs if you want to. I regret not buying the mud back. Soooo good, I talk about it later. For now, enjoy our group picture hahaha!
In front of the Tabin Visitor Center there is another hall that also contain lots of information about wildlife and you get to have a close encounter with elephant skull and some monkey skull. My husband is looking like a kungfu master in the picture somehow, must be the coz of his shinny head LOL..
Then we walk back to main area. See that guy i talked to? His name is abang Ruby from Mercikkk Official, such a fun and sporting guy. Highly experienced in journalism world and I am glad I get to learn from him during this trip too!
Mandatory vain selfie for the blog HAHAHAHA
After that, we are gathered at the main area also know as Sunbird Cafe to watch some video about Tabin Wildlife Resort. Here we get to learn about what to expect, the kind of animals that live here and also the kind of activities that can be done.
Makan Time! If you stay here then all meals are inclusive because there are no other restaurants nearby hahaha.. I actually enjoyed all the meals provided. The food selection is quite good, thank you Chef and all kitchen staff for working hard to make sure we are all well fed. Hugs!!
After the full filling dinner, we are ushered to join night safari! OMG YES! It is my first night safari experience and you have no idea how excited I am hahaha.. We go on this truck and then enjoyed around 1-hour roaming in the wild to look for nocturnal (active at night) animals and birds. I kid you not, it is money can't buy experience. We saw the bats, monkeys, owl, jungle cat called Sunda Clouded Leopard and few more I can't recall (should have write this post earlier when my memories are far more fresher LOL). I must be smilling in my sleep that night. It is indeed a memorable jungle experience.
Here at Tabin Wildlife Resort, you can pick to sleep at the Hill lounge or the river Lounge depending on the package you took. You may also request to sleep at the Lipad Mud Volcano for an even memorable jungle experience. I didnt take much photo on the interior but I can say the place is comfy and nice, I slept at the River Lounge with my room mate Leeya and my husband sleep with his photographer friends at the Hill Lounge. Both location have their own perks. The river lounge have a nice river view while the hill lounge give you an aerial view of the resort. Do depend on what tickles your fancy.
The next day, we went for another safari trip. This time we saw many birds!
Here... I present you a hornbill hahaha... I guess she must have known we are taking her picture as she pose so nicely there!
If you come here, do opt to go to Lipad Mud Volcano. Just a quick easy 700meter trail to get there.
You will get to learn about this worm shit hahaha, and some info about the jungle. You can check out my youtube video at the end of this post for more details about the trail and also the sneak peak of the room we stayed in. Mawi is so passionate with his job, he is such a funny guy and he shared about what we can do if we are stuck or lost in a jungle, check out my video where I shared that valuable info with you too!
Here we are, Lipad Mud Volcano! Gosh as a beauty blogger at heart this excite me so much!! Natural mud say what???? I felt like soaking my whole body in there, but I don't want to scare my new friends away so I maintained my composure instead LOL
Many of us took the fresh mud smear it on our face, this is the part I regret not buying a whole lot of the mud back home!! It is really good, I tried it on my face and my skin felt so smooth after that. I want to come back again, very very soon. This is obviously not my pic, uploading my husband pic instead hahahaha... he is sooo going to be pissed once he read this post LOL
You can also take some insta worthy picture here LOL, I am so glad I've trained my insta hubby well.
Another group picture with amazing media friends!
Time to go back to our lounge and prepare to check out. On the way back we saw monkey and wild boars haha... Actually, you can see even more animals here, depending on your luck, season timing and so on.
We also have this mud certificate ceremony to wrap up the amazing trip!
It is indeed an enjoyable, informative and great trip to Tabin Wildlife Resort and the crowd make it even more awesome. Everyone started to loosen up, getting to know each other even more after the night and then we are off to our next stop! Want to know where we heading next? Hint : crocodile hahaha..
Off we go! Thank you Tabin Wildlife Reosrt for the great hospitality and for packing our lunch. Johan enjoyed the sandwich, I guess hahaha... Stay tune for my next blogpost and I shared more interesting experience.
In the mean time, check out our vlog about Tabin Wildlife Resort below, dont forget to like and subscribe!
You can check out their website (click here) for rates, it start at RM1.7k for 2 adult 1 night can also tailor-made your itinerary. MUST VISIT, seriously I know I said this many times over during this post, but I WILL ensure to do my very best to experience this place once again with our kids.
Alright, we are at the end of this post. I would like to thank you for taking time to read this up. I highly appreciate it and hope it will give you ideas on where to go on a holiday next time!
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I love reading it <3 Big hug!!