Sofea’s Second Birthday Celebration at Port Dickson
Assalamualaikum and Olla everyone!
How would you celebrate your kids birthday? I have scratching my head on how to make a 2yo happy haha.. Yes, a 2 years old. I know it sound cliche but it is so true. Time does flies. It is hard to absorb that it have been 2 years that Sofea came into our life and we have been nothing but grateful to Allah.
Last year, my husband and I bring sofea out for a birthday salad haha.. Yes come to think of it Sofea never had a birthday cake. The main reason being is that I try not to introduce sugary product to her for as long as I could. Well, she is 2 years old now and by right her kidney would be able to digest it already. Hurm.. maybe because I always see as her baby.. It’s okay, next year mummy will get you a cake k?
Actually we have been contemplating to either bring her to Zoo or aquaria for a little bit of fun time. Then I check the weather forecast in KL and it showed thunderstorm so it is best not to have activities outdoor in KL. hurm..
The night before her birthday, she went out with my hubby and in laws to celebrate advance birthday celebration. During those time, I went to get couple of floating ballons just to suprise Sofea and I am so happy that she seems to like them yeay!!
On her birthday itself, my husband and I still have no plan on where to bring her and then it trigger to us that she likes the beach. So, why not head down to Port Dickson right? haha I contacted my dad and the next thing we know we already on our way to Port Dickson for a day trip. Thank you to Abang Cast for driving us!! We arrived kl middle of the night and he have shooting the next day at 7.30am but he still nicely want ot drive us back. Thank you for that!!
Here to a group selfie on the road.
We stop at Seremban for some food and I tasted a very nice cendol with rojak at Haji Shariff Cendol. We found out that it is actually a famous cendol shop and we can totally understand why. The portion is great, the price is unbelievably affordable and most important of all it is yummy!
Imagine cendol at RM1.50, a plate of rojak with whole egg at RM4.50 haha, If you happen to be around the area dont forget to check them out. I have put some snap shot of the lagendary cendol and rojak on the video I made. You can check them out towards the end of this post.
As we arrived, we plan to hang out at Teluk Kemang before going to the PD area. As we saw the beach, plan changed hahaha. My dad paid for a tent rent and we just hang out at the tend while enjoying the beach. What matter to me the most is that everyone and Sofea are having a good time. This time around mak teh and tok ma cant be able to join us. It’s okay we try to plan another session next round instead.
One the highlight of the trip when we tried out the ride at Port Dickson. It is my first time taking that right. Basically, you have to seat on a float and then a boat will dragged you into the sea. Bare in mind, it was fast and very bumpy that to the boat engine and the waves.
I remember spending most of my time on the ride screaming and laughing.. haha If you are interested to check out the ride, here a video taken by abang Cast. My bro, my husband and abang Cast went for the first ride and they took a video. you can see the amount of fun we had haha
If you went to Port Dickson, do try it out k?
Before we go home, we stop for dinner and I just dont like to elaborate more on the place because hurm… let’s just say I want to keep this blogpost in a positive vibe. I dont like to say nasty stuff and I cant think of any nice thing to say expecially about the service at the restaurant.
Moving on, we had such a fun day chillaxing by the beach. Thank you to my hubby, my brothers, abg cast and my dad for taking a good care of Sofea and me. Looking forward for more fun time together. Check out the Vlog if you want.. hehe
We are at the end of this post. I hope you find it interesting.. Till next blogpost. Dont forget to take it easy and smile!
* I am not paid to write this. I will test and review products or services regardless of whether they have been sent to me or not with honesty. Unless stated so in the post or marked with an asterisk, all products featured on this blog have been bought with my own hard-earned pennies. I started this blog to give my two pennies worth of thought and have fun along the way and that is exactly how this blog shall remain.
Happy 2nd Bday Sofea syg, wish you a never ending happiness with your mommy and daddy <3
ReplyDeleteThank you Ayna :) wishing you nothing but love and happiness! tak sabar nak jumpa celebrate your bday end of this month! hehee <3
DeleteAww! Happy birthday Princess Sofeaaaaaaa ♡♡♡