Sweet Violet & Grapefruit Hydrating Mist Limited Edition by Jurlique | Review |

Sweet Violet & Grapefruit Hydrating Mist Limited Edition by Jurlique | Review |

Assalamualaikum and Olla everyone!

Can you believe that it is already november? We are at the final quarter of the year and the next thing we know it is going to be new year all over again. Are you ready for it? Have you start drafting your plan and goal for next year? I always start planning my goal in November just to give myself a head start before the actual new year comes in. One of my goal is to pamper myself as much as I  could. To me, my pampering myself I get to train to appreciate my body and it will result to feeling the best. It is like a dominos effect, when I feel best, I will react better with everyone around me. I get to treat my husband and kids even better. I mean we cant pour if our glass is empty.  People tend to make others feel how they themselves feel, whether it's great or small. So, I need to make sure that I am content in order for me to make others around me feel the same.

One of the products that able to boost up my mood is facial mist. Yes, it is hydrating, refreshing and we all know that scent play a vital role to switch our mood. I am currently very much in love with this new Limited Edition Sweet Violet & Grapefruit Hydrating Mist by Jurlique. I think it is such a great product to be used and it will add value to my goal.

Do you know that Sweet Violet have been used since Ancient Greek time to calm tempers, promote relaxation and also to awaken the feeling of love? The great thing about this facial mist, it is also paired with Grapefruit and it actually helps to energise and revitalize your senses.

Sweet Violet & Grapefruit Hydrating Mist Limited Edition by Jurlique | Review |

Like many other face mist, it is actually a multi-functional product. You can use it as face mist, hair perfume, toner or even as a refresher. The beauty about using Julique product is that you dont have to worry about harsh chemical because they are well known for using only plant based ingridients.

I can see myself spraying this facial mist every now and then at my office. Being in air –cond my skin tend to get dry and it is nice to have a product that can hydrate and lift up my mood while I am at work. It is also such a nice product to be used at home, before going to sleep. Just to set up the mood before enjoying a good sleep.

Sweet Violet & Grapefruit Hydrating Mist Limited Edition by Jurlique | Review |

The scent is sweet with a hint of fruity. It makes a lovely gift tooo! I mean look at that packaging, so elegant.. With the sweet pea print and the gold font to give a hint of luxury. This product is retailing at RM147 for 100ml you can get them from the nearest Jurlique boutique or do check out their website for more details.

We are the end of this post, I hope you enjoy reading it. I wish you all the best in setting and achieving your goal. Sending lots of love, till next blogpost. Dont forget to take it easy and smile!


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