Kids Learning Activities - HP Little Makers
Assaalamualaikum and Olla everyone!
As mentioned on my Instagram, it has always been my wildest dream to bring my kids around the world to learn. Which is why my husband and I tried our very best to bring our kids to explore nature, going to parks and just try out new experience together. We did a mixture of some outdoor and indoor activities in order to broaden up their comfort zone.
When the activities are indoor, it is super handy to have a printer at home. I received this printer around last year and I think it is such a great learning tool. We get to print out worksheets, decor, time table, and so much more as the possibilities are endless.
Quite recently, we received another box by HP called the Little Makers Box. It contained some straw, colors, glitters (gosh... I have hate n love relationship with glitters, let's not talk about it now hahaha), and we also received few other stationaries on top of two units of toner refill. Yeay! It is always nice to have extra toners.
Sometimes it is easy to run out of idea on what activities can be done with kids. Worry not because HP has planned 8 challenges for 16 weeks and you can always go to their website to check out right away. I will link it towards the end of this post k?
We got excited and try out Challenge 4 : Around the world. You can join it too if you want. Just go to the HP Little Makers Site and pick which challenge you want to try out with your kids.
All printed out and we are ready to have some fun!
We had fun, preparing the material. Even my husband help to cut the signature building. While kids get to observe how tools like scissors can be used, they also are being exposed to the sticky tape, they get to learn on how to stick those papers on the wall and so much more. It may sound simple to us adult but to a kid, everything is new to them and every experience is a chance to learn.
Sofea got to learn about the world map, even when she pronounce Australia as "Austrasalia" but it is okay because that is what learning all about. You got to be exposed, you got to try and try till you got it right. Adik Zandria is super excited as you can see from the picture. Since she still have those baby dialect it is even harder to understand her hahaahaha.. It is important to encourage them so they are not afraid of saying it wrong. It is okay to say it wrong, that is how you'll be corrected and learn.
Anyway, if you try out any of the challenges, dont forget to #reinventleaning #HPDeskJet #HPLittleMakers #HPMY and also tag @hp_asia (on instagram) or @HPMalaysia (on facebook) because you will be in the running to win amazing HP products worth RM500. There will be five winners for each challenge and you can be one of them!!
As promised, click on the link below to check out the HP Little Makers Challenge and I hope you will have a wonderful time with your kids. Take care and till next blogpost.
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I love reading it <3 Big hug!!