Dove New Body Wash Launch at The Food Studio

First of all, thank you so much to Shirlyn for giving me and invite :) On Jun 15, 2013 Saturday I went to the event which was held at The Food Studio. I had a great fun and it such an interactive event. The even was hosted by Charmaine Poo and does a great at hosting it. Very nice and bubbly person.

Check out this new range that incorporate new technology of NutriumMoisture. Wanna know what make this new technology awesome? 

NEW Dove Body Washes with NutriumMoisture : 

·   Helps rebuildskin’s beauty from the inside the epidermis layer by replenishing lipids so itfeels more beautiful on the outside

·   Unlikemoisturizers in regular body washes that wash away during cleansing, when usedregularly NutriumMoisture™ penetrates surface skin 20 layers deep into theepidermis layer of the skin to replenish and nourish

·  Clinically proven to maintain skin’s beauty when used regularly

The main entrance of The Food Studio, so nice and peaceful. Great view :P 

I love cooking and if you want to learn cooking this is one of the best option to go for :) 

I just found this golden bull interesting :P 

Check out the nice setting! Caroline & Frankie there :) Hi ladies! 

What a nice big Kitchen they got there! 

Cik Lily Putih and me posing at the Dove Back drop :P 

During the event we were given with a very nice and detail introduction about Dove New Body Wash and I learned alot on that day! Do you know that Dove New Body wash is BETTER than milk? I just found it out on that day.
I love the fact that they do a very clear presentation and demonstration using the hydometer to clinically  show us the result and we are AMAZED! 

Swee San is the volunteer for the session :) 

The tools for the demonstration. 

Many of us were given a chance to experience it our self too! 
After applying milk on my right hand the moisturie result came out 51.9%
Guess what? After using the Dove New Body Wash the moisture result came out 62.5% 

I see it with my own eyes that Dove Body Wash is wayyyy better than Milk

This is not sembang2 cakap kosong this is live demo okay? haha

Meet Chef Paul, he explained to us that we need to cook for our own lunch :P 
I found it very interesting! His nice big kicthen is such to die for okay? and he let us play in his kitchen, how can I not be happy? 

We were devided into 3 groups, we have the started group, the main course group and the dessert group.

Thank GOD, I was in the dessert group. Dont get me wrong I love cooking but I scared I masak tak sedap hahahaha

This is the recipe we got :) 

The yummy ingredients! 

Tadaaaa.. Done :P This picture credit to Cik Lily Putih.

I have to go to another event after that and I didnt manage to check out how our dessert turn out to be. I really wish I could have stayed longer! Since it is really fun with great company and I can sense that this event was really well planed. All the bloggers felt really welcome :) 

Everyone is cooking yaw! 

My team members, Fiona from Street Love and Cik Lily Putih from ciklilyputih,com 
I was in hurry forgot to snap picture with 2 beautiful and friendly Caroline and Frankie :P They are both in dessert group too :) 

Group photo credit to Dove's Photographer 

Check out Caroline Keek, she is stirring the pudding haha I didnt notice they took a video :P  Plus I think the loud laughing sound at the background might be my voice haha.. 

Latest video from Caroline's Keek :P

I am so loving the experience and definitely going to restock my bathroom supplies with DOVE New Body Wash! 

Please share some love by liking and checking out the link below :


  1. SO HAPPY la to be in dessert group! hahaha! Other groups havent finish and our group all sitting down enjoy chit chatting dy. >.< You should have stayed until the end dearie. :<

    1. It was a really great experience :) I really wish I could have stayed longer hahaha

  2. eh macam best je! should buy dove lepas ni.

    1. a ah best.. sebab the live test :) memang hydrating and moisturizing better than milk :)

  3. bestnye event ni! and the masak2 part is so cooool! :)

  4. So cute you all! XD Btw the place so nice lahhh :3

    1. :P dont la like that.. malu kitorang haha.. and yes the place is SOOOO nice!

  5. I totally missed the event >.> thanks to the jammmmmm

    1. where you are heading from? no worries babe :) there will be more in the future :)

  6. wah, Dove dah ada untuk Sensitive Skin? kena cuba ni tau! sebelum ni pernah guna shampoo Dove (Original) rambut jadi lembut sangat. best. sekarang cuma guna deodorant spray Dove yang Original dan Go Fresh. hentam 2 botol sekali. hehe..

    1. ade for sensitive skin :) tu la.. wangi sangat kan? best!!

  7. haha since u didn't stay till the end, I must tell you this. the dessert was yum! (need more pandan tho) but good jobbbb!!

    1. we had a great fun making it :P haha too bad cannot taste it since was in hurry.. next time nak try buat kat rumah :)

  8. Replies
    1. yes it it babe :) hope we can do it together next time :)

  9. hi kak remember me?? nice meeting u kak although xsempat nk borak leneh2 kn..hehe iAllah next time kn! ;)

    1. heheheh.. mesti la ingat adoi :P hhahaha AMIN iAllah jumpe lagi :)

  10. thanks for your lovely sharing

  11. err.. body shampoo theme bcome add hoc masak masak theme? hahahhahaa

  12. i like The demonstration which well explain the ingredients.

  13. I must admit that Dove is the best body shampoo that I ever used.

  14. it's moisturised enough, never let my skin dry out like some other brand.

  15. hahaha the golden bull is outstanding enough.


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