Snail Street AC Trouble Mask from Snail Street - Review

Today would like to share my review of Snail Street AC Trouble Mask from Snail Street that I purchased earlier from HiShop. You can check out my buying experience here.

As I went on the net browsing and browsing I come across the hype of using snail mask. At first I was like huh?  (Imagine my blur + bleh face) Seriously? People putting snail on their face? Do they smash the poor little snail just to look pretty?

Thanks to internet and mr. google (our fav online library) I found out that In 2006, Chilean farmers reportedly noticed visibly smoother skin after handling snails they were breeding for the French food market. Packed with glycolic acid and elastin, a snail’s secretion protects its own skin from cuts, bacteria, and powerful UV rays, making mother nature’s gooeyness a prime source for proteins that eliminate dead cells and regenerate skin. How awesome is that?

I also found out that  Hippocrates (considered the father of medicine) recommended snails for skin care as far back as 400 B.C. He produced the earliest known snail cream with milk and crushed snails (how kesian) to treat skin redness.

So this  is the reason why I am hyped to purchase this snail mask and try it on my own. To my surprise, luckily during the application there is no weird kinda smell at all. Well of cause it is slimy and such but just slightly thicker than other face mask. I am really happy that no yucky smell come out.. Or I might ask my husband to try it out..  hahaha 


Anyway, this mask cost me RM 16.90 each (quite expensive for 1 sheet of mask) Actually the original packaging was 5 per box. Thanks to HiShop they selling per sheet.

So,  just for the sake of trying I closed my eyes and clicked during purchase. 

Pro : Something new worth to try out (considering all the hype), doesn't smell yucky (actually smell just like all the other processed mask), does make my skin felt hydrated.

Con : A bit pricey (RM16.90 per sheet if you get if from HiShop), I don’t really notice great visible difference. 

Would you try it out? or Have you tried it out? what do you think? 


  1. maybe your skin is already good to begin with =P. i guess maybe you can try the snake serum?

    1. Dear Yue Rain,

      Thank you for visiting my blog :) Trust me.. my skin is not GOOD. All thanks to make up only.. haha

      I am considering few more application of this snail mask.. maybe 1 time application didnt really that much impact compared to consistent application :)

    2. snake? OMG... I taught Snail was exotic enough... hahaha but why not :P

  2. Wow that looks really interesting! haha I want to try the snail mask but I hope they don't kill the snails *_*

    1. yup.. it is interesting.. but I cant really guarantee no snail were harmed during the process..

  3. I tried one from Etude House before. Thought it was scary at first...but after opening the package it didn't seem that bad xD

    1. how much it cost? the one from Etude House? jeng jeng.. now i want to try also haha

    2. Bought it quite long ago so I forgot as I bought it during their 50% sale xD Should be around the same price...

    3. So nice! will go n check out :)

  4. Looks nice! First time heard about the snail mask hehe :p

    1. Hehe.. No worries.. I was just as shocked as you are when I found out about it :)

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Malaysia where can get snail mask? Pls advice thanks.

  7. Malaysia where can get snail mask? Pls advice thanks.

    1. Suki, you can try HiShop or Hermo :) they selling it online

  8. thanks for your lovely sharing


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